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The purpose of this PKM is to overcome the problems of partners by implementing digital marketing and fostering innovation in economic value products so that their craft products can reach a broad target market. Through a participatory approach, the implementation of activities in the group of craftsmen together collaborate to find solutions using digital marketing methods of craft products. Collaboration uses multi-stakeholder campuses, partner groups, professionals, and the government in formulating and finding solutions to the problems of craftsmen groups in the village of Pangan Jaya. As a result, using online marketing through the website, whatsapp messaging applications, facebook and Instagram products sold significantly increased and marketing of craft products has reached a wider market.


Pemasaran digital; ekonomi kreatif; limbah kayu

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How to Cite
Asis, P. H., Marjani, M., & Ma’ruf, A. A. (2020). Penggunaan Pemasaran Digital (Digital Marketing) Sebagai Pendukung Pengembangan Usaha Pada Kelompok Pengrajin Anoa Art. CARADDE: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2(2), 345-352.


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