Indonesian Journal of Criminal Law <section class="current_issue"><header class="page-header"> <p><strong>Indonesian Journal of Criminal Law</strong> merupakan jurnal yang dikelola oleh Ilin Institute dengan <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">p-</a><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ISSN: 2656-9922,</a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">e-ISSN:2684-916X</a>, Menerbitkan artikel dibidang Hukum Pidana, Pembaharuan Hukum Pidana, dan Kriminologi.</p> <p><strong>Indonesian Journal of Criminal Law </strong>terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun yaitu pada bulan <strong>Juni</strong> dan<strong> Desember</strong>. Artikel yang telah publish dapat didownload secara gratis, dibaca dan disebrluaskan sebagai rujukan artikel selanjutnya. 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This type of research is included in the type of phenomenological research with a qualitative approach method. The subjects of this study were Investigators from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Sinjai Police. The data collection methods are interviews and documentation. While the data analysis uses data collection techniques, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of the study show that the urgency of visum et repertum at the investigative stage in uncovering criminal acts is as valid evidence, as a basis for detaining suspects, as a consideration for judges in making decisions, and as a substitute for evidence. While the obstacles to visum et repertum in disclosing criminal acts are caused by internal factors, namely the high number of general criminal cases handled by investigators and the lack of investigative personnel causing the handling of cases to experience obstacles. As for external factors, namely reports that often come late from the victim, doctors who handle post mortem are still lacking and often do not exist, medical equipment at Sinjai Hospital is not complete, the victim's family refuses to be examined and requests for post mortem et repertum psychiatry takes a long time to publish.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong> </strong></p> St. Hadijah Wahid Alisa Maharani Muhammad Azhar Nur Copyright (c) 2024 St.Hadijah Wahid, Alisa Maharani 2024-03-16 2024-03-16 5 1 1 8 10.31960/ijocl.v5i1.2029 Analisis Kritis Penggunaan Strict Liability Dalam Berbagai Peraturan Perundang-Undangan Di Indonesia <p><em>The formulation of the problems of this research are: 1. What is the Urgency of Strict Liability in Enforcement of Environmental Law in Indonesia? and; 2. What are the Efforts to Implement Strict Liability in Environmental Disputes in Indonesia? The research method used is a normative method using a conceptual approach and a statutory approach. The conclusions from this study are 1. By using Strict Liability, the constraints experienced by sufferers of environmental impacts can be minimized. Then another thing that can be considered as something that benefits the victim is that the polluter has been held responsible, regardless of whether he is guilty or not. and; 2. The removal of the phrase "without the need to prove an element of guilt," by Law No. 11 of 2020 Concerning Job Creation does not make Article 88 UUPPLH where Strict Liability is removed. Regarding the concern that the formulation of Strict Liability in the Ciptaker Law will further obscure the understanding of Strict Liability.</em></p> Muh Farhan Arfandy Ranggalawe Suryasaladin Copyright (c) 2024 Muh Farhan Arfandy, Ranggalawe Suryasaladin 2024-03-16 2024-03-16 5 1 9 17 10.31960/ijocl.v5i1.2017 Analisis Perbandingan Hukum Pidana Atas Tindak Pidana Pornografi Terhadap Anak Antara Indonesia Dengan Amerika Serikat <p>Pornografi adalah sebuah perbuatan yang dianggap telah melanggar ketentuan hak asasi manusia, karena selain melukai dan mencerai fisik, Tindak pidana Pornografi akan memberikan trauma dan juga permasalahan psikis terhadap korban. Keselamatan dan kesehatan mental menjadi terganggu dan menyebabkan korban menjadi trauma atas perbuatan kekerasan seksual tersebut. Setiap negara memiliki aturan mengenai penanganan tindak pidana pornografinya masing-masing. Hal tersebut yang kemudian serupa dengan Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat yang sama-sama memiliki pengaturan mengenai tindak pidana pornografi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan oleh Penulis adalah yuridis normative dengan pendekatan undag-undang, perbandingan, dan kasus, serta menggunakan metode analisis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia mengatur mengenai tindak pidana pornografi yang dilakukan terhadap anak diatur di beberapa pengaturan perundang-undangan yang terpisah. Undang-Undang Perlindungan Anak, Undang-Undang Pornografi, Undang-Undang Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak, dan Undang-Undang Hak Asasi Manusia. Kemudian, dijelaskan juga di Amerika Serikat yang mengatur mengenai tindak pidana pornografi terhadap anak di dalam Undang-Undang Federal, Pasal 18 U.S.C § 1466A, 2251, dan 2252, dan child pornography. Antara Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat pada hakikatnya sama-sama mengatur dan menjelaskan mengenai tindak pidana pornografi terhadap anak yang mana sanksinya sama-sama berupa sanksi pidana. Hanya saja yang membedakan adalah Amerika Serikat memiliki ancaman sanksi yang lebh berat atas tindak pidana pornografi dibandingkan dengan Indonesia yang diatur di dalam Undang-Undang Pornografi.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci : Tindak Pidana Pornografi, Anak, Indonesia, Amerika Serikat</strong></p> <p> </p> <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p>Pornography is an act that is considered to have violated the provisions of human rights, because in addition to physical harm and dissolution, pornographic crimes will traumatize and also psychological problems for victims. Safety and mental health are disrupted and cause the victim to become traumatized by the act of sexual violence. Each country has its own rules regarding the handling of criminal acts of pornography. This is then similar to Indonesia and the United States which both have regulations regarding pornography crimes. The research method used by the author is normative juridical with statutory, comparative and case approaches, and uses data analysis methods. The results of the study show that Indonesia regulates pornography crimes committed against children in several separate statutory arrangements. The Child Protection Act, the Pornography Act, the Juvenile Criminal Justice System Act, and the Human Rights Act. Then, it was also explained in the United States that regulates criminal acts of pornography against children in the Federal Law, Article 18 U.S.C § 1466A, 2251, and 2252, and child pornography. Between Indonesia and the United States, in essence, both regulate and explain criminal acts of pornography against children, where the sanctions are both in the form of criminal sanctions. It's just that the difference is that the United States has more severe sanctions for criminal acts of pornography than Indonesia, which is regulated in the Pornography Law.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: Pornographic Crime, Children, Indonesia, United States of America</strong></p> Aisha Saphira Pradyanda Angelique Martahan Sibuea Novela Julia Khosyi Shafa Haura Wijaya Copyright (c) 2024 Aisha Saphira Pradyanda, Angelique Martahan Sibuea, Novela Julia Khosyi, Shafa Haura Wijaya 2024-04-05 2024-04-05 5 1 18 36 10.31960/ijocl.v5i1.2054