Indonesian Journal of Learning Education and Counseling
<div style="text-align: justify;"> <p><strong>Indonesian Journal of Learning Education and Counseling</strong> is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original research papers and reviews the fields of <strong>Education in Learning, Educational Technology, Counseling. </strong>The journal is dedicated to promoting the advancement of science and technology in the world by providing a platform for researchers, scientists, and academics to publish their research findings and share their knowledge with the broader scientific community. The journal accepts submissions from researchers, scientists, and academics around the world on topics including:</p> <p>1) <strong>Education in Learning</strong>: Primary Education, Learning Models, Curriculum, Learning Innovation, Vocational Education, 2) <strong>Educational Technology</strong>: Learning Technology, Learning Media, Virtual Education, Educational software, digital technology in education, Multimedia Learning, E-Learnin. 3) <strong>Counseling</strong>: Educational Psychology, Guidance, and Counseling, IT in BK, BK Media, Counseling Techniques, Family Counseling.</p> <p><strong>Indonesian Journal of Learning Education and Counseling</strong> Receives Articles in Indonesian and English by following the <a href=""><strong>writing guidelines</strong></a> and article <strong><a href="">template</a></strong>. Submitted online on the IJoLEC journal website by first registering the author, and IJoLEC published with open access status or open to readers, and researchers. So that this article can be downloaded for free.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">In today's highly competitive research environments, researchers have frequently asked to demonstrate their impact and service in performance reviews, funding, and promotion applications. For this reason, starting October 20, 2019, <strong>Indonesian Journal of Learning Education and Counseling</strong> has officially become part of Publons. Publons is part of Clarivate Analytics, the global leader in trusted insights and analytics that accelerates the pace of innovation.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Publons were the first place to help researchers in their often hidden peer review contributions. We are proud to be able to partner with Publons to help everyone involved in this journal to give their peer reviewers the recognition they deserve.</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>Click here</strong></a> for your involvement in the IJOLEC at Publons</p> <p style="text-align: center;"><a title="Publons" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="Publons patr of Clarivate Analytics" width="311" height="56" /></a></p> </div>ILIN Institute Makassaren-USIndonesian Journal of Learning Education and Counseling2622-8068<div class="page"> <p><strong>The Journal Will Accept Article from author provided that:</strong></p> <ol> <li>The article has never been published in another place as evidenced by the publication statement sent along with the article.</li> <li>The article will display license information in the article</li> <li>Articles sent will be published with open access where the author can read, download, print, search and share like the original link</li> </ol> <p><strong>Copyright</strong><br>Indonesian Journal of Learning Education and Counseling has chosen to apply the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial License 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0) to all manuscripts to be published</p> <p> The author retains the copyright and entitles the first publication journal to the work which is simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. (CC BY-NC 4.0) which allows other people to copy and redistribute this material in form or format, change, and make derivatives of this research<br> <br>Authors and copyright holders give all users the freedom to access throughout the world and do not cancel the right to access, and licenses to copy, use, distribute, transmit and display public works and distribute derivative works, in any digital media for any purpose responsible, subject to the appropriate author, and the right to make a number of printed copies for their personal use.<br> </p> <p>The author must include the appropriate name, include a link to the license, and state that there have been changes made.</p> <p>The author can do this in an appropriate manner, but does not indicate that the licensor supports you or your use. The author cannot use articles for commercial purposes.</p> <p>The full version of the work and all additional material, including copies of permits as stated above, are provided in the appropriate electronic format then stored after the first publication, at least one online repository supported by institutional institutions, scientific organizations, government institutions, or other established organizations which seeks to allow open access, unlimited distribution, interoperability, and long-term archiving</p> </div>Understanding the work-life balance of female faculty members with young children in a state university
<p><em>This research investigated how university teacher-mothers with young children balance their professional and maternal roles</em><em>. </em><em>Using narrative analysis and thematic inquiry, the research investigated the challenge, coping mechanisms, and institutional support mechanisms required by five purposively chosen teacher-mothers from various campuses of a state university.</em> <em>Findings indicated that teacher-mothers experience perpetual challenges, including pressure from regular teaching, administrative tasks, research tasks, and extension and production activities. Balancing these roles with motherhood was complicated and draining, often resulting in work and family life conflicts. Coping mechanisms involved preparing lessons in advance, prioritizing childcare over work when needed, seeking assistance from family and community members, and strictly following official working hours to maintain clear boundaries.</em> <em>Participants emphasized the imperative need for institutional support, including an on-campus childcare facility and clear-cut policies for flexible working hours. These mechanisms would make it easy to find reliable childcare and offer much-needed flexibility to adjust to the unpredictable demands of caring for young children.</em> <em>This research </em><em>surmises</em><em> the need to develop family-friendly policies in academic institutions to </em><em>develop</em><em> a more inclusive and supportive environment for female faculty members. By recognizing their dual roles as educators and mothers, universities can achieve work-life balance and improve faculty well-being and productivity.</em></p>Kimberly RiveraIsabel P. Martin
Copyright (c) 2025 Kimberly Rivera
2025-03-232025-03-2372596810.31960/ijolec.v7i2.2930e-Module e-Sipa' in Culture-Based Basic Services as a Preventive Effort to Bullying in Students
<p>This study aims to develop a bullying prevention E-Module based on 3S culture (sipakatau, sipakainga, and sipakala'biri) in the form of a service E-Module for BK teachers. The development model used is the ADDIE model with a small group trial on 15 students with subject characteristics, namely grade VII students of SMPN 40 Bulukumba. The validation results showed that the e-module material and media obtained a high level of acceptance. Quantitative descriptive analysis stated that 1) the appearance of the E-Module E-Sipa' is attractive by 95%; 2) the E-Module E-Sipa' is practical to use by 93%; 3) the E-Module E-Sipa' is easy to access by 95%; 4) the language in the E-Module E-Sipa' is easy to understand by 90%; 5) the steps of the E-Module E-Sipa' activities are easy to access and interesting by 90%; 6) the material in the E-Module E-Sipa' is easy to understand by 87%; 7) the material in the E-Module E-Sipa' is in accordance with the needs of students by 98%; and 8) the E-Module E-Sipa' helps students in preventing bullying behavior by 98%. And the results of the practicality test on the E-Module E-Sipa' average percentage of 95% with very practical criteria. So it can be concluded that the E-Module in basic BK services based on culture as a preventive measure of bullying behavior in students can be a tool for BK teachers in preventing bullying behavior in students.</p>Hadyan RamadaniAbdullah SinringAkhmad Harum
Copyright (c) 2025 Hadyan Ramadani, Abdullah Sinring, Akhmad Harum
2025-03-232025-03-2372698010.31960/ijolec.v7i2.2833Adoption of e-learning in Zimbabwe’s higher education: Opportunities and challenges
<p>This paper explores the adoption of e-learning in Zimbabwe's higher education, examining the opportunities and challenges associated with its implementation in the teaching and learning process. The paper was grounded in a systematic review approach, which provides a holistic view of the issue under investigation. In this regard, the PRISMA 2020 checklist ensured transparency and consistency in selecting the 60 papers from databases (Scopus, DOAJ, DHTE, WoS, Scielo SA, and IBSS). In addition, this approach ensured that all the crucial aspects of the issue under investigation were included in the analysis and discussion. The paper highlights e-learning as a concept and its process in the context of higher education. It also articulated a multifaceted approach that can be employed to enhance the adoption of e-learning in higher education. This led to the interrogation of the potential of e-learning to enhance accessibility, reduce costs, and improve educational outcomes. However, it also identifies significant barriers, including limited internet connectivity, inadequate technological infrastructure and resistance to change from both lecturers and students. In conclusion the adoption of e-learning in Zimbabwe's higher education presents both significant opportunities and notable challenges. To unlock the full potential of e-learning, policymakers, educational institutions and stakeholders need to collaborate in addressing these challenges. Ultimately, with the right approach, e-learning can play a transformative role in improving the quality and accessibility of higher education in Zimbabwe, contributing to broader educational socio-economic development targets.</p>Pinias ChikuvadzeJoseph ZuvaSamuel MugijimaPatrick C. Rusike
Copyright (c) 2025 P. Chikuvadze, J. Zuva, S. Mugijima, P.C. Rusike
2025-03-232025-03-2372819310.31960/ijolec.v7i2.2955Collaborative Strategies for Enhancing Student Discipline: A School-Based Approach
<p><em>This study aims to determine the strategies set by Sekolah Rendah Santi Wittya Serong School Pattani Thailand in forming students' disciplined character, as well as the obstacles and solutions faced in the process. The method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection through interviews with five informants, consisting of the vice principal, homeroom teacher, and three students, as well as observations in the school environment. The results show that the school implements several strategies to form students' disciplined character, such as habituating routine activities (dhuha prayer, prayer before learning begins), implementing clear rules, giving educational reprimands or punishments, and being an example from an educator. However, there are several obstacles such as low student awareness of the rules that apply in schools and lack of understanding of the rules that have been in effect. To overcome this, the school also collaborates with parents of students through regular meetings, and provides socialization regarding the importance of disciplined character in students. This study concludes that the formation of disciplined character requires collaboration between schools, students, and parents of students, as well as conducting continuous evaluation of the strategies set.</em></p>Natasya Lina TusafitrianiSiti FitrianaVenty
Copyright (c) 2025 Natasya Lina Tusafitriani, Siti Fitriana, Venty