Journal Writing Guidelines

Article length between 3000-5000 words (including literature, notes, and tables)
Attach a statement that the article has never been published before, anywhere and in any form.
Each article will be tested for plagiarism in which % and above will be returned to the author.
Component Title: Uppercase, Black, Centered, Bold, using Calisto MT font, size 12.
Sub-subcomponents are not labeled (except for the results and discussion components), but the indication of the sub-subcomponent is in the first sentence of a paragraph from that component.
Articles are presented with the following components:
Title: The title of the article is a maximum of 12 words typed in Calisto MT, 14 bold.


Author's Name: The author's name is typed below the title in Calisto MT 11 bold, without title and may not be abbreviated. Below the name is written the author's field of expertise, institution name and email address.

Abstract: using English and Indonesian language, Calisto MT 11 letters, italicized. no more than 200 words, one paragraph without references (references) without abbreviations / acronyms, and without footnotes. Abstracts are not written in mathematical forms, questions, and conjectures. The abstract contains: research objectives, research methods, research results and conclusions.

Keywords: Use words or phrases that specifically describe the content of the article, keywords separated by a comma (;), maximum 5 words.

Correspondent author: describe the full address of the first author along with a complete email, listed at the bottom right corner of the article (adjust the template)

Introduction: The introduction is typed in large letters [Calisto MT 12 bold] containing the background described with the state of the art of previous research, at least 5 literatures that are discussed can justify the novelty or novelty of the research, overcoming a problem, urgency and rationalization of activities, literature review, problem solving plan, and hypothesis development, GAP analysis, problem solution, scientific novelty, primary source references, describe the objectives and hypotheses at the end of the introduction [Calisto MT 11 font, normal].

Methods: The research method explains about: approach, scope or object, operational definition of variables/description of research focus, samples/informants, main materials and tools, data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques [font Calisto MT 11, normal].

Results and Discussion: Research results are presented completely and according to the scope of the research, presenting findings or trends, improving the results of previous research. Research results are complemented with tables, graphs (images), and/or charts. Tables and figures are numbered and titled. The results of data analysis are interpreted correctly. The discussion section is separate from the results, describing the findings logically, linking to relevant reference sources. The discussion contains: what/how: whether the data presented have been processed (not raw tables) in the form of tables or figures (choose one) and give comments, (why) the discussion section shows the connection between the results obtained and the basic concepts and/or hypotheses, (What else) whether there is conformity or contradiction with the results of other people's research, also describe the implications of the research results both theoretical and applied data [font Calisto MT 11, normal].

Conclusions and Suggestions: The conclusion contains a brief summary of the research results and discussion. Conclusions are research findings in the form of answers to the formulation of research problems or research objectives and research hypotheses. Conclusions are brief and clear. The suggestion section outlines the application or development of science, Conclusions and suggestions do not use points or numbering but are outlined in one paragraph. [Calisto MT 11 font, normal]

Acknowledgements/Thank you: Describe who directly helped your research such as funders (institutions mentioned not personal), may be equipped with a research contract number.

Reference List: Contains the sources referred to and at least 80% are primary literature published in the last 5 years, primary literature such as national and international journals, research articles. The reference list is written in accordance with the American Psychological Association (APA) Fifth edition style. All sources listed in the bibliography must be present in the article manuscript using reference applications such as: mandeley, Zetero, AndNote etc.

Articles are typed in Microsoft Office Word format. Using Calisto MT font size 11, single spaced on A4 paper. Paper format 3-3-2-2 (left-top-right-bottom).
Authors can submit and register articles through the online OJS Journal or email to