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Development research aims to produce quizizz media-based electronic student worksheets as a support for Social Science learning materials. The method used in this research is Research & Development, with the model developed that uses; Analyze, Design, Develop, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE). This research was conducted at Cipayung 03 Pagi National Elementary School, East Jakarta. The object of research was conducted on 25 fourth grade students. Steps in the research stage, 1) analyzing research needs, 2) product design, 3) developing products, 4) trials: one to one, small groups, and learners and 5) evaluation of products. Data collection techniques use interviews, and questionnaires. The results of the development trial were evaluated by a one-person media expert, a one-person material expert, and a one-person linguist obtained from an average score of 89.3% with an excellent category, while the results of the online user trial resulted in an average score of 88.5%. Thus showing that the worksheets of learners are worth using for social science learning in elementary school
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Zhao, F., (2019). Using Quizizz to Integrate Fun Multiplayer Activity in the Accounting Classroom. International Journal of Higher Education. 8(1). DOI:10.5430/ijhe. v8n1p37.
Arif, J., Faiz, A,. Septiani, L,. (2022). Use of Quiziz Media as a Means of Developing Critical Thinking of Students. Journal of Educational Sciences Volume 4 Number 1 of 2022 Halm. 201 - 210. DOI: 4
Astini, K,. (2020). Utilization of Information Technology in Elementary School Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic. LAMPUHYANG Vol. 11 No.2 July 2020 ISSN : 2087-0760.
Dwinta, N., & Sapriya, S. (2021). The Role of Media Quizizz in Civics Learning to Increase Learning Motivation for Elementary School Students. The 3rd International Conference on Elementary Education, 3(1), 194- 198.
Hasanah, N. (2019). Character-Based Learner Worksheet Development. Journal of Physics Education, 7(1), 74–78. https://jurnal-
Herlina, H., & Dewi, R. R. (2017). Flashcard Media: the Media for Developing Students Understanding for English Vocabulary At Elementary School. Ijer - Indonesian Journal of Educational Review, 4(1), 116. 1
Kinanti, D.M,. S, Mas, (2020). Development of English LKPD Assisted Quizizz Application Class IV Elementary School. JPGSD Volume 8 Number 3 of 2020, 539 - 548
M, Sodiq,. H, Mahfud, and F, P , Adi,. (2021) Teacher and Learner Perception of the Use of Web-Based Application "Quizizz" as a Learning Medium in Elementary School.
May, S., Ju, S., & Adam, Z. (2018). Implementing Quizizz as Game-Based Learning In the Arabic Classroom. European Journal of Social Sciences Education and Research, 12(1), 208. DOI: 10.26417/ejser. v12i1.p208-212
Muzzayanah, A,. Wijayanti, A,. Ardiyanto, A,. (2020). Development of Thematic Student Worksheets (LKPD) Based on HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) Class IV Elementary School. J. Incandescent MIPA, Vol. 15 No.5, November 2020: 452-457 ISSN 1907-1744 (Print) DOI:
Grace. (2016). Ips position in Elementary School. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Journal, VOL. 2, NO. 1, OCTOBER, 2016, 67-78, Journal homepage
Rahmawati, S,. (2021). Students Perceptions Toward Quizizz As An Online Learning Media. Journal of English Education Vol. 3, No. 1, March 2021 DOI: 10.19105/panyonara.v1i3.4282
Usman, H. (2019). Flashcard Media Training Based on Hots At Ciputat District State Elementary School. Devotion Proceedings. 7
Usman, H. , Lestari, I., & Pelenkahu, N. (2020). English e-Book for Elementary School Students: Research by Design Based on Whole Language Approach. 397(Icliqe 2019), 735–741. 2